Rivista del Diritto Commerciale e del diritto generale delle Obbligazioni

Francesco Sangermano

Persistenza e vitalità della categoria negoziale. un enigma irrisolvibile?

Persistenza e vitalità della categoria negoziale. un enigma irrisolvibile? (Francesco Sangermano)

Abstract: The author examines the concept of a general juridical act and analyzes the most significant theories of private autonomy. He points out that the problem of the category of the legal act never seems to have a conclusion. Surprisingly, the relevance of a concept and a general notion of a legal act is, in fact, still relevant. we are faced with an enigma: what seemed destined for sunset is instead characterized by an unsuspected vitality and persistence. The various solutions proposed by scholars are evidently based on the conception of the relationships that exist between the dimension of the subject’s freedom and the evaluation of the State. The general juridical act, its extraordinary regulating force is fundamental and essential for the human dimension and departs from any rigid scientific and dogmatic qualification: private autonomy such as thought does not lend itself to being inserted into a scheme; it goes beyond the confines of the fact and redefines the value of the qualification criterion.

Sommario: 1. L’enigma sempre attuale del negozio giuridico – 2. L’irriducibilità (vera o apparente) di una classica dicotomia (del fatto e del valore) – 3. L’insopprimibile dimensione creatrice del potere di autoregolamento del negozio – 4. Il negozio tra riconoscimento (tecnico) e compatibilità – 5. La forza regolatrice del negozio giuridico oltre ogni rigido schema dogmatico

Keywords: private autonomyjuridical act theoriesfact and value.

Annata 2022 Fascicolo 2 Pagina 187

ISSN 2532-9839 | 2532-9847

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