Rivista del Diritto Commerciale e del diritto generale delle Obbligazioni

Anna Rosa Adiutori

Tornando su alcuni aspetti dell’art. 2395 codice civile

Tornando su alcuni aspetti dell’art. 2395 codice civile (Anna Rosa Adiutori)

Abstract: The article tackles the issue of the action of company creditors, damaged by the outcome of the liquidation of the company, against the liquidators, (art. 2495 paragraph 3 of the Italian Civil Code), which is aimed at reinstating their assets and not the company assets. The liability of liquidators, referred to in that provision, cannot be assimilated, however, to the provision of art. 2395 of the Italian Civil Code because the direct damage, contemplated by it, does not occur in the specific case, which governs not the compensation liability, but the liability for the debt, of patrimonial nature, with the consistent consequence that it will not be possible to ask the liquidators for a different amount than the not collected credit.  

Sommario: 1. Introduzione. – 2. Responsabilità risarcitoria degli amministratori. – 3. Diligenza dei liquidatori. – 4. Art. 2495 comma 3 cod. civ. – 5. Conclusioni.  

Keywords: Liability of directors ex art2395 of the Italian Civil CodeDiligence of the liquidatorsLiability of liquidators.

Annata 2022 Fascicolo 2 Pagina 173

ISSN 2532-9839 | 2532-9847

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